Angola Mineral Ventures ("AMV")
Jose Luis Cassola
He is the principle project administrator and co-ordinator at AMV.
Jose has studied at AIU (Atlantic International University), in U.S. and completed in January 2009 B.Sc. in Geology. He has applied to study towards a Master Degree at Heriot Watt University (Petroleum Eng.) in UK. (Registration number 101637983) in 2010 year.
He has extensive experience in the technical and marketing in the petroleum production
industry and was empoyed at:
- Baker Hughes Inteq- (Mud logger) and Sample catcher 3 years since December 1998- to 2001 -Sperry-Sun-Mud logger; 2 years- since 2001- to 2003 Job Capsule as Mud Logger (Geologist skills).
- Halliburton- Senior Laboratory technician (Cementing), and Lab supervisor-since 2003 to 2010, January 11 date that I was promoted to ATP-cementing. Job Capsule as Senior Lab technician for Cementing Laboratory:
- Nalco-Angola Sales District Representative (2012 to November 1st 2013
- Schlumberger - since November 4th 2013 to 19 January 2015: Segment Sales Engineer/ Manager (dual function).
- J.Kassola, LDA - as founder member of this company he has been the managing director to date.. |
24 October 2018 |
Diamex JV has entered into a Joint Venture, Angola Mineral Ventures ("AMV"), with J.Kassola, LDA a Luanda based company to provided consulting, prospecting, exploration and mining development services to Angolan diamond and other mineral concessionaire's. AMV will be represented by Mr Jose Luis Cassola. |

In Search of Diamonds: An Introduction to Kimberlite Exploration
